How to Kill Your Sugar Addiction Before It Kills You

While excusing yourself from sugary celebrations is no fun, neither is dealing with a post-sugar-binge hangover. And on top of it, the more sugar you eat, the more you crave — it can take a few days to weeks to get over an addiction to refined sugar once you start. Not only that, but studies have shown that eating too much refined sugar can speed up your body's aging process. If you know you can't resist sweet temptations, read on to learn nutritionist-approved strategies that will keep you on the right track.

See More At How to Kill Your Sugar Addiction Before It Kills You

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I wish a lot more people spoke about sugar addiction.

    All my life I have struggled with an addiction to sugar. The more sweet things I ate, the more I wanted. I couldn't eat just one piece of something without wanting more.

    Since learning about nutrition and glycemic index, my relationship with food has changed dramatically. I have learned that there are healthy alternatives to sugar, and I can still have delicious desserts and not feel deprived!

    When out to dinner with friends and colleagues and they order dessert, I an no longer bothered seeing the dessert, because I know I can go home and have something just as delicious that won't spike my blood sugar and is even good for me!

    I'm talking about having Guilt Free Desserts.

    I bought the recipe book for $34.95 USD, which does seem a little overpriced at first... but it is totally worth it when you take a look at the amount of content that is in the Book. Probably the best $34.95 I have spent in a long while!

    The recipes are so easy to do... And you don't have to feel guilty!

    Here's where I bought my copy.

    This might be what changes you & your readers relationship to sugar FOREVER.

    It did for me...

    Best regards,



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