23 Thoughts New Moms Have

Being a new mom is quite the adventure. All cliches aside (and, man, those cliches exist for a reason — it really is hard, awesome and filled with spit-up, diapers and sleepless nights), it’s kind of a big roller coaster. One day (or, heck, hour) you feel like you are super mom hear you roar (Dinner is made! Laundry is done! Baby is happy!), and the next it’s like this tiny — albeit cute — little creature has wrecked any semblance of your previously sane life (We have no food! We have no clean clothes! Baby is crying … WHY?!). Life as a new mom is filled with highs, lows, laughter, tears and so, so, SO many thoughts. Here are 23 I’ve had, about 246 times now that I’m a month in …

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