8 Bad Eating Habits to Quit Now

Do you find yourself skipping breakfast, only to grab a bagel — and pieces of chocolate from your co-worker's desk — once you get to the office? Does the vending machine call your name daily at precisely 3 p.m.? And what about all those extra nibbles that go unaccounted for throughout the day? These habits may seem innocuous enough, but over time, they're much more detrimental to your health (and waistline!) than you think. It's tough to detach from behaviors that have been developed over years, but the truth is this: "Breaking bad eating habits is manageable," says nutritionist and Everyday Health blogger Bonnie Taub-Dix. The first step: Recognizing your bad habits and having the desire to change them. Here are the eight most common eating mistakes, plus tips for overcoming them once and for all.

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